- High cost of custom boxes. If you've shopped this around you know what I'm talking about. A recent shopping expedition showed that for a minimum quantity of 1250 pieces the price was over $.70/box. That works out to about $900.00 for the order. WOW! Most soap makers have multiple scents, colors and ingredients so multiply your 20 different varieties and, well you get the idea, it's expensive. With our machine you can insert something as simple as a business card under the poly film or get a little more elaborate and use ribbons and custom printed pieces and probably stay under $.05/wrap. Yes, that's correct, less than a nickel!
- Dirt and Bacteria. Ewww, gross right? Think clean and fresh! Even if you want to spring for a custom box your customers will appreciate opening that box and finding a neatly wrapped bar. A standard bar of soap wraps for about a penny a bar.
- Better than shrink wrap. Not only does it look better and seal better but the amount of heat used with our machine is far less than a shrink system. The benefit to this is we don't melt and damage your product.
- Capital Investment. I haven't met a lot of custom soap businesses who can afford a $30,000.00 wrapping machine. However, I have met some that want the look of a pro machine. All of our machines are less than $2,000.00 and yield as good or better than any automated high speed process.
- Size variances. If you are in this business you know that it's impossible to make all your bars exactly the same size. This is absolutely no problem with our equipment. You can also use the same machine to wrap items that are vastly different. All you do is change the size of the film roll and you're ready to wrap an entirely different sized product.
- Branding versatility. This goes back somewhat to the high cost of boxes but it merits more discussion. You can literally make every bar of soap a custom piece if you want to. Maybe you would like to represent the local Bed and Breakfast and supply their soap. Easy to print up something custom and insert it under the film wrap. Maybe you have some other custom ideas that have been restricted because the cost of packaging is so high.